Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Opening Day of Buck Season

Monday was opening day of rifle season for deer here in Pennsylvania. Roundtop posts their property, but allows regular employees to hunt on it. Since this is the time of year when they are operating at virtually a dead run to get ready for sking season, they prefer to allow shooting only by people who already know the mountain and know where people and buildings are located. That's makes excellent sense and is just fine with me, though I kept Dog and Baby Dog inside yesterday just in case.

My brother and his youngest son went hunting in the woods on mom and dad's farm yesterday too. My brother was up in his tree stand when he saw a large mink come by. I think we've all seen mink on that property, though they aren't terribly common. Brother put down his rifle and started to take a picture of said mink with his cell phone. Just about at that point a nice buck came bouncing through, and by the time brother closed and put away the cell phone, and picked up the rifle again, you guessed it, the buck was gone. But if he sends me the photo of the mink, I'll post it.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, it's deer hunting season. I heard a few cracks from guns.

Some the deer are smart up here. When hunting season begins, they just move into the private commuties that around here. they know were theres lots houses, there's no hunting. Last year our neighbour had seven deer hanging around her yard.

ChicagoLady said...

I've never seen a mink, I'd love to see the picture of it!