Friday, October 12, 2007

My Inside Forest

Now that fall is back, it wasted no time evicting summer and has settled in as though it never left. The temperature has now dropped nearly 50 degrees in 3 days, and my body hasn't quite acclimated yet. Right now I am wearing a flannel shirt and a sweater. In a few days, when I've acclimated, I'm sure I'll be able to remove at least one layer but I'm not there yet.

Last night I spent the better part of an hour bringing inside all my houseplants that summer out in the forest. My fig tree has grown another foot. It is now so large that it nearly touches the ceiling in my 2-story living room. It is so large I can sit underneath it. I put a rocking chair next to it so I can do just that this winter. Suddenly the cabin feels a lot smaller. In addition to the tree, I have two large philodendrons (I think) that are shrub-sized and those three alone take up what seems like half the room in the living room. Another is an asparagus fern that hangs from the ceiling, and I've already bumped my head on it 3-4 times. It will be a while until I'm used to that one again.

It is now barely past dawn when I leave the cabin in the morning, and twilight is already starting when I get home in the evening. That means I will now need to start taking all my blog photos for the upcoming week over the weekend and dole them out one by one during the next week. Not until spring will I have up to the minute timing again.

This morning's photo will be last one taken outdoors within a few hours of posting it. This morning as I was heading down the mountain and out one of Roundtop's access roads, the sun peeked through momentarily before slipping behind a covering of clouds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I want to see a picture of the fig tree.

Yes isn't that temp drop wonderful and my body hasn't gotten use to it either.