Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Day - 2006

I spent the morning working at Roundtop, where we had a steady stream of early morning skiers, many from local ski shops that were closed for the holiday, leaving the employees ready to take advantage of that to do some skiing.

In the afternoon I went to Sister's house in the next town for pork, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, the traditional New Year's Day feast in this neck of the woods. I took Baby Dog along as she still needs socialization--meeting new people, visiting new places, etc.

After dinner, Sister, Nephew and I went for a walk around the block and took Baby Dog along for the adventure. Most of the neighbors have dogs, many of which were outside and not thrilled to have a new one walk by their territory. Baby Dog barked at some and cringed at the bigger ones. One of Sister's neighbors owns a farm in the center of town that has horses. The horses were grazing out in the pasture at the edge of the street. One of them walked up to us from out in the center of the field, much to Baby Dog's surprise. The horse nuzzled our hands, looking for carrots and attention, while Baby Dog hung back at the far end of her leash, not wanting to get even an inch closer to such a large animal. Occasionally she even barked at the horse. She's seen horses before, but never one so close, and she wasn't at all sure she liked it. Finally, the horse was satisfied that none of us had carrots, turned its back and ambled back into the pasture. As soon as the horse did that, then Baby Dog "bravely" went right up to the fence, pretending she wanted to make friends. No, I didn't have a camera with me, darn it!

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