Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer's Morning Light

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to stop me in my tracks. This morning, for a few moments, a small circle of sunlight caressed a tiny woodland seedling. It’s not even a pretty seedling, but one whose leaves are half-eaten by something. The plant is already yellowing and will likely not survive the summer. The eaten leaves make it difficult for me to even identify what it is. But the plant was wet with an early morning shower, and then bathed in the sun’s early morning light that followed the rain. Suddenly this tiny, even pathetic little seedling, looked beautiful to me.

That’s what nature does for me. In an instant it can change my perception and make me see something in a different light. It even provides the light.


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

I understand what you mean Carolyn.

dguzman said...

I hope for the little seedling.