Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunset over a beautiful weekend

The barn swallows have left the mountain.  I found two on Saturday and none on Sunday.  Last Saturday a group of nearly 30 perched on the wires near a snowmaking pond.  This week, I had to look to find even the two I did see.  The turn towards fall takes another step forward.

I’m finding that the hours of daylight just don’t cooperate with human activity.  Most summer evenings are too hot or too buggy to fully enjoy sitting outside.  But sometimes, the weather cooperated and I could work outside around the cabin, and when I was done I could sit and enjoy the long evenings. Now, the bugs and the heat are mostly gone, but by the time my outside work is done, it is dark outside.  It is, apparently, too much to ask to have evenings long enough to complete outside work and then time enough, sans bugs and heat, to sit outside afterwards into the evening. I guess I’ll just have to learn to deal with that.

I’m also noticing more goldfinches and fewer chipping sparrows, another sign of late summer, if not yet quite of fall. Robins are few and far between at the moment. Some, I suspect, are already moving south, and the northerly robins haven’t yet arrived.  Hawkwatches in the area are already starting to count migrating hawks. The numbers are still rather small, but the birds are moving out of the north.

This August is shaping up to be one of the coolest ever in the local area. Augusts this cool are not unheard of, but they only occur about once a decade or perhaps a bit less. I could get used to having a cool August more frequently, that’s for sure!

Today’s sunset photo was taken last evening and made for a beautiful show.


Scott said...

Barn and Tree Swallows are gone from here, too, though Chimney Swifts are still patrolling the fields. They leave much later.

Still no sign of Nighthawks; Kali and I took a nice walk last evening to enjoy the good weather and saw none. It's still a little early.

Black-and-White Warblers and Redstarts are beginning to move; I've had several reports, but haven't seen any myself.

Carolyn H said...

Scott: no nighthawks here yet either. They are being seen elsewhere, so I will continue to look for them. And I haven't seen B&W warblers or Redstarts, either. The vireos seem to be moving, though.