Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not fair

It’s a shame, I think, to find that once the temperature turns so comfortable I can fully enjoy being outside again it now gets dark so early in the evenings. As a result I don’t have much time to take advantage of the lovely weather. Now would be the perfect time for daylight to last until 9 or 10 p.m. Too bad it doesn’t work that way, but if I ruled the universe, it would.
I fantasize about lovely evening rambles down along Beaver Creek, watching the shadows growing golden and long. I think of an unhurried walk, stopping to look at plants or watching the chipmunks play. And instead it gets dark. It’s just not fair.

In a few weeks, when we change the clocks again, it will be even worse. Oh, I do walk in the dark, sometimes, but I certainly can see a lot more and the forest is a lot more active during the day. I don’t walk down the mountain to Beaver Creek in the dark—the footing on those paths is not conducive to that even when I wear a headlamp. Maybe if I was 20 and not decades older than that and didn’t have a bad knee, but since I don’t rule the universe, that’s not going to happen either.

Instead, I try to pack as much as I can into the few minutes of daylight I have. Still, the chickens need attending to and the dogs have to go out. Sometimes evenings are more of a rat race than they are relaxing. Such is life, I guess. I have to make time to take time slowly and do the best I can.

1 comment:

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Other unfairness includes our most interesting birdlife always appearing in the depths of midwinter, New Zealand being too far away and youth being completely wasted on the young.