Sunday, September 16, 2012

September Sunrise

I've been hawkwatching this weekend.  So far, the hawks have been quite cooperative.  Today, Bald Eagles,     American Kestrels,a raven or two and several hundred Broad-winged Hawks--most very high but still beautiful.

Today,though, I was most taken by the colors of the sunrise here on Roundtop.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That sunrise is superb, but if there's any truth in old sayings it won't herald a good hawk-watching day.

Cathy said...

WOW! that's incredible shot.

Carolyn H said...

John, THis sunrise did presage poor weather but not until the next day, so my hawkwatching was still good!

Carolyn H said...

Cathy: This was a super sunrise,but it only lasted about 2 minutes,if that. No time for fooling with the camera for this one!