Monday, November 24, 2008

What's this about?

I thought an arty-type snow photo of this pretty, old stone bridge along Beaver Creek would be a good addition to my early snow photos. The bridge and the dirt road beyond it is closed for all but private use, and I just love the look of the straight lane disappearing into the woods. But as is so often the case, once I got to the bridge, I saw something more interesting than a simple arty-type photo.

Can you see it? Look at the bridge itself. Rabbit tracks hop along the length of it. The sides of the bridge are about 2.5 feet high, though they are somewhat sloped where the it starts. Sometime after the little mini-snow fell, a rabbit jumped up on the bridge and followed the wide stone side of it for the entire length of the bridge. What’s that about?

This rabbit could easily have crossed the bridge and stayed firmly on the ground. Instead, it decided to take the route with a view. I can’t help but wonder why it did. What was going through that little rabbit brain? I would have guessed it would be more easily seen up there by the red-tailed hawks that patrol the valley. In any event, this particular rabbit followed the edge of the bridge, hopped off at the end and disappeared into where I didn’t follow.

I am left with yet another of nature’s mysteries, one I will never solve. I enjoy the idea of a curious rabbit with a hankering to explore its world from a different point of view and taking the chance to do so when the opportunity presented itself.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Carolyn, Isn't it fun to walk in the snow and check out the 'critter tracks'????? Your rabbit tracks are neat!!!! We see lots of deer tracks when we walk in the snow...

Aleta said...

Nice bridge! Nice picture with the snow and bunny tracks. I envy you your snow. We got a little but it is mostly gone now and we are getting rain today.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the rabbit wanted to take the scenic route?

MojoMan said...

Far be it from me to ruin your mystery, but those might be squirrel tracks. It is a nice photo, though!

Carolyn H said...

Mojoman: No, this was a rabbit, though I agree that you can't tell for sure in the photo.

Carolyn H.