Friday, August 11, 2006

Skywatch! Perseid Meteor Shower Alert!

The good news is the Perseid meteror shower is tonight and tomorrow night. The Perseid show is one of the best of the year and has the advantage over the winter shows of occurring when you don't have to freeze your butt off to watch them.

The bad news is that the moon is nearly full. So, plan to look for the meteors before the moon rises around 10:30 p.m. I'd suggest watching from around 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on both nights if it's clear and dark where you live.

A good Perseid meteor shower is an amazing thing. Years ago, I used to hold an annual all-night Perseid meteor shower party. My friends would come over, and we would eat and drink, lay out in lawn chairs and truck beds and ooh and aah and just watch the show. Then I hit a couple of years when the sky was cloudy, or it rained or the shower was on Wednesday and we all had to work the next day, etc. So I stopped holding the parties, but I still love watching a good meteor shower.

Because we'll have to watch early in the evening, instead of after midnight, the show probably won't be a great one. But, here in Pa. the morning is clear, visibility is excellent, and the weekend is here. So I'll be out tonight looking at one of nature's best free shows.

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