Friday, November 09, 2012

All the leaves are down...

...but the sky is blue....

...for the first time in about three weeks. I didn't realize how much difference last week's time change makes in the morning when the sun rises to a clear sky.  Chilly and windy or not, the sun makes the day seem a lot warmer and friendlier.  Still, there's no denying the mountains look decidedly wintry these days, even without snow to blanket the forest.

I've had frost, if not always a freeze, each night of the past several.  November here is a variable month.  Sometimes November is downright harsh, and in other years it's a warm extension of October but without the leaves. This year, as in most, the weather is doing both, often within a few days of each other.  Chilly since Hurricane Sandy passed, the next few days will bring warmer, October-like temperatures. That will be a pleasant respite, though of course that won't last either.  It doesn't matter. I've always liked weather's variety here.  I'm not the sort of person who would do well in a land where the temperature hadly ever changes.  I think I'd get bored.

Fortunately, living where I do, seasonal variety is the norm.  Three weeks of rain and overcast weather was already stretching my limits.


Granny Sue said...

Carolyn, did the storm affect you? We got a nice snow, about 5 inches,and high winds but that was about it. I'm enjoying these few days of Indian Summer--this cannot last but it's nice while it's here.

Pablo said...

We've had our first serious cold night here in KC. I woke to 24 degrees this morning. More moderate temps coming. I think my lake may have gotten a nice recharge of rain over the weekend though.

Carolyn H said...

Granny Sue: Sandy was a pretty intense storm with high winds and lots of rain. I didn't have any damage but I fought the water in my basement for a while. It was pretty scary, I'll say that for it. Thanks for asking!

Carolyn H said...

Pablo: Your cold weather is heading my way but won't be here until tomorrow morning. Today, I am enjoying a few, last hours of Indian summer. It's a nice respite after the cold that followed Hurricane Sandy.