Monday, June 29, 2015

Rain go away for a while

As far as rainy weather goes, this June was the rainiest ever, with nearly 7” of rain.   That makes up for the lack of rain in the traditional month of April.  It has also made for some mid-level flooding, not to mention a lack of outdoor fun.

Saturday was another full day of rain, often with heavy rain.  And rain is expected tomorrow and again on Thursday.  Nothing gets the chance to thorough dry out very much.  Yesterday was a clearing day—that’s about as good as this June has been. It never actually fully clears, but it gets to the point of clearing weather.  Perhaps that’s why I saw a nice buck in velvet in the early afternoon.

The buck’s antlers were well above his ears and just starting to branch.  He and a lady friend were cropping grass at the edge of the woods. Perhaps they were tired of being soaked in the thick underbrush, too.  But they were out of the woods, in the field, munching away and likely drier than in the woods itself.

I am ready for a little more pleasant weather, that’s for sure. I have a new chicken run that I haven’t had a free or rain-free day to put together for several weeks.  Fortunately, the girls don’t fully need this new run at the moment, but I’d like to get it constructed and ready for them.  And I wouldn’t mind putting the rain jacket away for a few weeks, either.


Scott said...

Carolyn: I don't think we've gotten the volume of rain that you have, but the pattern of one day on, one day off with the rain has been maddening, I agree. I'm so glad I managed to complete my breeding bird census with just one wet, drippy day in the woods. Is the rain interfering with the nature camps?

Carolyn H said...

Scott: The adventure camp kids have had to spend some time indoors, though I don't think any group has had more than one day like that. I've managed to finish the final session of one day just ahead of a storm. The other week the storm "split" and went around Roundtop. It takes near-constant vigilance to keep ahead what those storms are doing. The kids are about 3/4 mile away from any shelter down at our stream site. For them it's about a 15-20 minute walk, so we have try and figure out where the storm is going and when it's going to hit--not always easy. We let the kids get wet (soaked) in rain but if there's any sign of thunder, they are marched back up the hill and go inside as quickly as possible.