Thursday, October 09, 2014

This and that

Granted, this morning’s moon does not have the drama of an eclipse or a blood moon, but I still thought it was pretty neat to see the jet contrail right across the setting full moon.
Back at the cabin, I am enjoying watching the leaves thin out in the forest canopy.  That means my view of the sky is a little larger each day.  I still haven’t “found” the mountain to my west yet, but I know it’s there.
This morning three of the local deer grazed just a few feet from me as I fed the chickens. I tried hard not to look directly at the deer as I knew that would scare them.  It was a doe and at least one summer fawn—the third deer remained hidden. 
My fall bird feeder is operational again, if not yet fully arranged to my liking.  Several of the more obvious local birds have found it now that my chickens have shown them where it is. I’ve seen chickadees, titmice and nuthatches.  I still have sunflower seed to buy and the suet feeder to set up.  At this point in the year, I can still see a few birds at the feeders when I get home from work, though few are in evidence in the mornings.  It won’t be long before my only view of the feeders will be on the weekends.


Scott said...

Nice image, Carolyn. Birders here are reporting Red-breasted Nuthatches and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. Boy, they're early!

Carolyn H said...

Scott: I am pretty sure I heard a red-breasted nuthatch last weekend, but I couldn't find it. And I haven't seen any sapsuckers here yet. But I heard geese migrating last night, and a cold rain is coming, so I expect more migrants will be with us shortly!

Sharkbytes said...

Nifty picture. We had our first hard frost a Saturday night.