On Saturday morning, after an evening of rain, I darted outside to see what was left of the fall colors around the cabin. Another, heavier bout of rain was forecast for the afternoon, and I wanted to get outside and take a few photos in the interlude between storms.
A lot of leaves had already fallen. They littered the roads, the driveway, the deck of the cabin, and I was afraid the best of the color was gone before I’d gotten a chance to look at it and take a few photos.
I guess I was wrong about that, eh?
On Saturday morning and into Sunday when the weather finally cleared, the fall colors at the cabin are really excellent. They make me realize what a dud last year was for fall color. This year, well, the color isn't ever going to get much nicer than this. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.
That looks like really nice color to me, too—maybe a little short on screaming reds, but that's just being picky.
And the same is true here, too. Last week's wind and rain stripped many trees bare. All the ones in my golden maple post, for example, are leafless. But who wudda thunk—other trees have blazed out in yellow and orange to take their place. There's still some wonderful color here along the river.
Guess neither of us should quit the day jobs and become fall color predictors.
Now I'm hoping this doesn't sound like I'm asking who's head is on a Lincoln head penny, but…is that mountain in the distance Roundtop? Okay, you can quit laughing. That's what I figured. And I agree, pretty stupid of me—which, unfortunately, is not unfamiliar ground.
So, you ruminate when you look at Roundtop, not from Roundtop?
Griz: It's not a stupid question. No, the mountain you see in today's post is not Roundtop. I was standing on Roundtop, taking a photo of the next mountain, which is called Nell's Hill.
It's true that the red color this year is in short supply, but on the other hand, I don't think I've ever seen a fall that was so overwhelmingly golden. So I kind of like it.
Carolyn H.
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