The night brought near-record cold for this time of year and threatened a frost, though I didn’t see any. I tossed an old blanket over the litter box/chicken coop, gave the girls a hot water bottle and hoped all would be well. This morning the chickens all seemed fine. Last night’s chill marks the end of chilly weather for a bit. Warmer weather and sun is on the way for the next several days, which my mini-container garden will much appreciate, I’m sure.
The last of the summer migrants—the peewees--have arrived now. I love their little "pee-a-wee" call. They are the first and last singers of the day, their haunting call carries and echoes through the forest when it is nearly fully dark. At that time of day, their call is often the only sound I hear. No distant vehicle or people noises, no sounds of other birds or animals. That’s why their song carries so well and is heard over a long distance.
The rest of the forest is asleep when the peewees call. They sing before everyone and everything else is awake or after the bustle of the day is over. Perhaps because they are such tiny birds, evolution favored them a little when their call didn’t compete with other sounds and songs. In any event, now that they are here, spring migration is officially over on Roundtop. Oh, perhaps some stray warbler will still pass, but all the regular species are now accounted for, and the forest symphony is reaching its crescendo.
So enjoyed your post...could actually hear their peee-a-weee call...we have them too and the Wood Thrush competes with them all day...I don't live on a mountain top...but in the woods with ravines on each side and a field...spend most of my time feeding the birds and watching the rest of nature!
Wanda, I'm sure pewees call during the day, too, but it's only at the edges of the day when you can really hear them.
Carolyn H.
Yes Carol I got frost up here.
However, that wasn't the big news up here. A plane crash, pilot is ok but it has turn out to be a funny story/ Lol!! Type up in the blog and post it.
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