The weather was warmer this weekend, and if I didn't stand in the wind or the shade, and if I kept moving, it almost felt warm. Still after winter, even a few days with that many caveats can't prevent new growth from starting, though it's still slow. Lower down the mountain I've already seen coltsfoot blooming--the plant looks exactly like a dandelion
except it has no leaves. I can't quite count that yet, though, as it's not blooming up where I am, but I know it won't be long before I see that.

Bird migration, or at least sightings of the small birds, was also a bit slow this March, likely because the month will end up being slightly cooler than average and quite a bit drier. I've yet to see blue-gray gnatcatchers or hear a towhee. The phoebe, killdeer and Red-winged blackbird remain my only true migrants to arrive and set up shop--and none of these three had far to travel to get here.
It's the time of year when the old season is gone but the new season still hasn't picked up much steam. It won't take much, though. One spring rain followed by a day of sunny weather is about all it will take.
These tiny seedlings look like a flowering plant of some kind, the way they are clustered, like a seed head dropped to this place last summer.
Are yu sure that the plant is not Trout Lilly?
Dave: In this area, the terms trout lily and dog-toothed violet are the same thing.
Dana: I don't know what the little seedlings are yet. Until they get some of their real leaves, I can't even guess what they are.
Carolyn H.
We had first-of-year tree swallows yesterday, so I hope we see more migrants soon! I've also seen posts on the listserv about yellow-rumped warblers, American bitterns, and other early arrivals.
Dguzman: I've been hoping for tree swallows--no luck yet.
Carolyn H.
I agree with "Anonymous" I think your multi-colored leaves are trout lily. But knowing that wildflowers often have many common names, perhaps we are still talking about the same thing... I often see those collections of seedlings and I always promise myself to go back to see what they turn into... But I always forget... Hope you can solve the mystery (and enlighten me!)
Note to all: Trout lily, dog-toothed violet and yellow violet are all common names for the same plant. The name I hear most commonly is dog-toothed violet, but trout lily isn't far behind that.
Carolyn H.
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