I will bid farewell to 2009 today. With more "wintry mix" predicted for tomorrow and New Year’s Day, I am making no predictions about the state of my internet connection at the cabin for the next few days.
This morning a 15 degree temperature with no wind feels wonderful. I stick my nose out of my burrow and find it a good day, a respite before that wintry mix returns to the mountain. This morning the dogs got a decent walk and both even behaved for once.
I look forward to a day off as much so I can walk in daylight as for any other reason. I eagerly watch the sunset to see a new minute added to the day. My other "plan" for the holiday weekend is to start my 2010 bird list. For me, birding on New Year’s Day is as much of a tradition as pork and sauerkraut and more of one than the Christmas bird counts. I know many people who live for the CBC’s, but give me good birding weather on New Year’s Day instead and I’m happy. In any event, good or bad birding on January 1, you're going to hear about it and that's a new year's prediction I feel confident in making.
If I were to make a resolution for the new year, it would be to find more time to spend outdoors, to pay more attention to what I see and to learn more about the things I do see. If I can do that, the rest of the year should take care of itself.
Whatever your own plans, may you enjoy the start of a new year.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2010