That said, the real reason you're seeing this photo today is that the weather hasn't yet cleared after storms ovenight, so getting an interesting photo this morning wasn't possible.
I was lucky last night. The storms were neither intense nor long-lasting. The rain was odd, though. Last night my Maine Coon cat Ben (who should be named Total Destruction) had to go to the vet's for a routine shot. Naturally, just as it was time to leave, the skies opened up in a torrent of rain. The rain held off until I opened the cabin door to leave. By the time I reached the car door just 10 steps from the cabin, I was soaked and carrying a very unhappy cat. By the time I'd driven to the bottom of the lane, about 1/8 of a mile, there were puddles. By the time I was out the gates and starting up the hill, water was streaming down the road and the gullies were nearly full. I almost pulled off the road as I could barely see to drive.
But I kept going, and in another half mile the sky looked a bit brighter. The vet's is just a 10 minute drive away, on the other side of the mountain. And as soon as I got to the other side of the mountain, the road was dry. They hadn't had a drop of rain. I arrived soaked to the skin. As the crows fly, the vet's office is about 2 miles from the cabin. And in that short distance the difference was no rain versus hoping I still had Noah on speed dial and that the ark hadn't left yet.
When I got back to the cabin just 20 minutes later the cloudburst was over. I'd had just under three-quarters of an inch of rain in about 10 minutes or so. Weird, huh?