Can you remember the last time you saw a sunset this amazing?
I didn't think so.
Don't feel bad.
I can't either.
Day after day, generally speaking, I find sunrises likely to be more amazing and interesting than sunsets. But then every now and again, the sunsets pull out all the stops and put on a show like I saw last night as I was driving up to the cabin.
And on those rare days when a sunset puts on its best show, I realize that a sunrise really can't hold a candle to the very best sunsets.
Unfortunately, sunsets don't do this very often. I personally think its the best sunset I've ever seen in my entire life. And I'm thrilled I had a camera with me when I saw it (thanks again, Stu!).
There's even the barest hint of a sun pillar.

How about another photo?
Thanks, I didn't think you'd mind.
This sunset went on and on. For minutes.
This wasn't one of those 30 second sunset wonders that's gone before you can get the camera out of the bag. That's gone before you can turn the camera on and point it towards the west.
This sunset turned the entire sky this incredible shade. And what is this shade, anyway? Dark salmon, hints of mauve? I can't figure it out.

Well, maybe I could if I showed another photo.
Nope, that still didn't help.
The color has changed again. In this photo you can just see a few lights from one of the bunny slopes on Roundtop.
Are you tired of looking at them yet.
I didn't think so.
Okay, just one more, but only if you're good.
I took I don't know how many photos of this sunset. Thank heaven for digital cameras or I would have run out of fil (or not had film in the camera or the photos wouldn't have looked like the sunset or...something!).
Anyway, all good things, even all great things have to come to an end eventually. And so it was with the world's best sunset ever.
I'm just glad I got to see it.
When the winter is warm, when the woods look a bit bleak.
When you least expect it, Nature puts on a show-stopper.
Thanks. I needed that.